Group posing for photo

I can hear it now, kids laughing and singing, learning their ABC’s and counting up to ten. I can see small faces, some eager, some shy, coming to school for the first time and smiling as they are greeted by their teachers. Circle games, Bible memory verses, healthy snacks, dancing and playing…all happening in Shade’s new school!

In the spring of 2019, I traveled back to Tanzania to be a part of the first building project on our new land. Shipping containers to build our school were delivered and stacked, and I was able to paint and sand them alongside a volunteer team. Not only was it amazing to witness the transformation of steel boxes into a beautiful building, but even more so was seeing what it represented. The vision that God had given for a place of hope and holistic care was coming to life.

Never before in Shade’s short history have I seen so many people like you come together to make this happen through prayer, giving, fundraising, and volunteering. But the end result is so much more than a building.

In January of 2020, we will be launching the Shade Pre-Primary School in that very space. Our teachers will welcome three and four-year-olds from the community into an exciting classroom that will help to equip and propel them into a positive life trajectory. Our plan is to add a new grade level each subsequent year, establishing a safe high-quality campus where children with albinism can then be integrated with their peers.

It is because of people like you that we can see buildings go up.

It is because of people like you that preschoolers can have access to a quality education and hear about the love of Jesus.

And it is because of people like you that together we can dream of our first graduating class of students, the class of 2029!

I am so grateful for you, our partners and friends. Thank you for giving of yourselves and your resources so generously to share the transforming love of Christ with vulnerable children.

As we move forward into 2020, Shade has two priorities:

  • Education Program – Our new class will be taught by our experienced teachers, Debora Zegeli and Janeth Renatus. We ask for your ongoing support for their salaries along with the educational materials, equipment, snacks and other supplies they need to care for the children.
  • Infrastructure – SHADE will begin the next phase of developing the campus with a security wall that is necessary to protect children with albinism at the school. We plan to build roads, walking paths and play areas on our property. Our staff need computers, desks and furniture to outfit their new space.

Will you partner with Shade through your giving?

Our BIG goal for 2019 year-end giving is to raise $55,000, which will fund these two priority areas. Your gift of any amount makes a difference, for example:

$50 buys 20 song books for worship in our classrooms
$100 buys school uniforms for 9 children
$300 buys milk for the children ($25/month)
$330 buys playground equipment (slide & swings)
$450 buys a laptop for a staff member to do program planning and gather resources

Thank you for considering a special year-end gift. We would also ask you to think about making a recurring monthly donation as we move into 2020.

Blessings for a joyful and Merry Christmas from me on behalf of the whole Shade team!

Claire Fedele
International Director

P.S. Remember all of the laughter and joy I mentioned looking forward to? That is the true impact that you will be making. Thank you in advance for changing the lives of vulnerable children in Tanzania.

SHADE is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and all contributions are tax deductible. You can contribute by using the Donate button on our website at or mail checks made out to Shade to:Shade
PO Box 398
Great Falls, VA 22066For more information about Shade, contact Claire Fedele at or Jack Grubbs at