This past week on social media, we shared a series called Albinism 101. The goal of these photos and facts was to provide information about albinism by answering some common questions. Being informed and sharing that information is a powerful form of advocacy for people with albinism- a people group that faces discrimination, attack, and […]
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When I say that three-year-old Michael is a fighter, I mean that in more ways than one. Michael was birthed on the dirty, concrete floor of his home, a converted animal stable in Tanzania. Fast forward three years, and Michael is enrolled in Shade School. His first week of school, while I was there in January, […]
Read MoreWritten by Claire Fedele When I was young, I memorized Acts 5:41. “The apostles left the Sanhedrin rejoicing because they had been counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the name.“ I’m really not sure why I chose this verse out of many; I guess something about just struck me. Rejoicing for being someone who is […]
Read MoreThere is great need in the world today. If you find yourself feeling apathetic, wanting to grow your compassion, or not knowing where to start, read on. In the book Cultivating a Love for God’s Word, Michael Kelley references Matthew 6:21 as he explains: When Jesus tells us, “Where your treasure is, there your heart […]
Read MoreDuring the Coronavirus Pandemic March 21, 2020 (1) Pray for our community of Magobeko, that it would be protected from infection. This includes all of the families that we have had the privilege of serving, as well as our preschool students. (2) Pray for the protection of our Tanzanian team, namely John M., Martina, Mecktilda, […]
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