We would love for your church to join in Shade’s mission of empowering children, families, and communities affected by albinism and other vulnerabilities in Tanzania.
Together, we can work to see the day when these most marginalized people are accepted and respected in their communities, know the love of God, and live as productive citizens, safe and free from persecution.
Engage your congregation in Shade’s mission:
- Share a holiday offering: Engage your congregation in supporting the valuable mission of Shade by donating an Advent, Lent, or other holiday or seasonal offerings to the organization.
- Support Shade with fundraising: Advance and promote the work of Shade to your congregation for a designated time period – a month, two weeks, one service – any time frame is meaningful!
- Include Shade in your church’s missions support: Partner with Shade by including the organization in your church’s regular missions philanthropy. You can join Shade as a monthly donor as well, ensuring that your impact and engagement continue year-round!
- Fundraise during Vacation Bible School: Engage the kiddos in your congregation in supporting the children attending Shade School by teaching them about tithing, giving back to those in need, and sharing God’s love with kids around the world.
- Promote Shade on your church website, social media or in your church bulletin: Donors can give on our website shadetz.org or by visiting our GiveSendGo campaign here: https://www.givesendgo.com/shade
What you’ll receive:
- Content for communication and fundraising: Shade will provide content, videos, graphics, and more to show the impact of your partnership and make your support of Shade turnkey and easy for your church staff!
- Shade speakers for services or classes: Host a Shade staff member or board member, or even one of our team members from Tanzania to share the mission and impact of Shade with your congregation virtually or in person.
- Travel opportunities: Have a missions team that loves to visit phenomenal organizations? Shade would love to host them to visit our campus in Tanzania and to experience the growth and impact happening every day at Shade School and in the surrounding communities.
Your congregation can be an agent of transformation. We can’t wait to partner with you!